Last spring many clients expressed an interest in not only gardening for wellbeing, but also the avenues it may open up for them in terms of horticultural courses and future job roles.

The Vocational Development Programme prides itself on being client led and therefore decided to launch an ongoing engagement event ‘St Petrocs in Bloom’ for residents in our supported accommodation.

This initiative was made possible by the many fabulous donations from both businesses and individuals, seeds, and equipment were kindly donated, and knowledge and top tips were during a day of gardening and potting up. This really inspired residents to get involved in nurturing and growing veg and flowers, and then taking part in a competition.

After the success of last year’s St Petrocs In Bloom event, we are bringing it back this year with the hope of growing it even bigger, and we would love your help!

Do you have any spare gardening items such as tools, old wellies, spare packets of seeds or young plants that you would consider donating? Or perhaps you have a passion for gardening and some top tips to share and would like to get involved? We would love to hear from you!

Please get in touch with Amanda Taylor at [email protected]

Planning is still underway, and we will share more details soon.