We all have a personal responsibility to ensure we challenge discrimination and promote equality, diversity and inclusion. At St Petrocs we are determined to ensure people are treated fairly and respected as fellow human beings. Many things are wrong in our society, but we are committed to ensuring we contribute to making it a fairer place for all.

To ensure that we put and keep equality, diversity and inclusion at the top of our agenda, we have engaged Tracey Burley from Pure Consulting.

Tracey Burley

Tracey is the founder of Pure Consulting. She is an independent management consultant, specialising in the not-for-profit and charity sector, with over 15 years’ experience. ​

After working for several years in the third sector she completed an MBA with Henley Business School. She has worked in leadership positions for local, regional and national organisations (including CSW Group and Stonewall) and started her own business in August 2019. ​

Tracey’s experience, passion and commitment will keep us on track and make sure that we adopt impactful and progressive approaches to diversity and inclusion:

Having undertaken a review of St Petrocs there is more we can do to create an inclusive environment for clients and employees. We don’t need events and empty actions that appear to promote inclusion, but a strategy that genuinely improves engagement and increases inclusion and that we will monitor and track so that we can hold ourselves to account. My challenge to trustees and leaders everywhere is ‘if not now, then when?.

Our role to end street homelessness champions the right for everyone to have a decent home and to be supported so every individual can reach their potential. These principles are demonstrated in our values and in the way we work with clients and colleagues every single day. Our offer is a genuine one, we truly want to improve the lives of our clients and create new opportunities for all.

We are continuing to review how we position ourselves as an organisation – whether that is through the language we use, the way we reflect the diversity of experience of our clients and employees, and more importantly, ensuring we are confident to engage in challenging conversations: we must ensure that we lead by example.

As an organisation, we are on a journey, and we are well aware of the social obligation we have to make a change. We are committed to making a meaningful difference to all people. We will continue to post on our website as we move on our journey, this will not only demonstrate our commitment, but may spark ideas for others to learn and develop.

Steve Ellis

CEO St Petrocs